Stata MP 16 | statistics and data management | Win&Mac | full version

₵ 200
Created on: April 19, 2020

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StataCorp Stata MP 16 also known as Stata/MP provides the most extensive multicore support of any statistics and data management package. Stata/MP is the fastest and largest version of Stata. Almost every computer can take advantage of the advanced multiprocessing capabilities of Stata/MP. Overview of StataCorp Stata MP 16 Features Bayesian multilevel models Panel-data tobit with random co-efficients Multilevel regression for interval-censored data Multilevel tobit regression for censored data Panel-data cointegration tests Tests for multiple breaks in time series Multiple-group SEM for continuous, binary, ordered, and count outcomes Multiple-group multilevel SEM ICD-10-CM/PCS Power analysis for cluster randomized designs Power analysis for linear regression models Heteroskedastic linear regression Poisson with sample selection Zero-inflated ordered probit Add your own power and sample-size methods Transparency on graphs Stream random-number generator

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