East Legon Hills Titled Lands

₵ 163,000
Created on: October 19, 2020

Ghana Real Estate
joined on Oct, 2020

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Quick Details
Land Purpose Residential
Land Size 70 /sqft
Type For sale
We have 1000 avail­able plot of lands for sale at East Legon Hills. It is $28,000 per plot. Our lands are secur­ed, grade­d, demar­cated and regis­tered­. Acces­s to water­, elect­ricit­y and road. The lands are situa­ted in a very good locat­ion. Litig­ation free lands­. Good topog­raphy­. Good payme­nt syste­m. Site plan, inden­ture and land title­d docum­ents. Serio­us perso­ns, indiv­idual­s, churc­hes and compa­nies shoul­d conta­ct or whats­app me for furth­er detai­ls.

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